Dr. Guy Giacopuzzi DDS, for the ultimate in fine dental health, Implant dentistry, CBCT 3D endodontics, digital impressions, Platelet-rich fibrin (PRF), ortho guided minor tooth movement to close contacts, STA anesthesia, and offical distributor for Fancy Floss: Dental Floss Device, Lake Arrowhead, California, 92352.

Minor Teeth Movement

Ask About Minor Teeth Movement

Moving teeth and closing contact points along with several dental problems where traditional metal braces would be used, can now be achived with minor teeth movement products.

Minor teeth movement can help aspects of:
  • Overcrowding – This occurs when there is too little space for the teeth to align normally in the mouth. Overcrowding can cause tooth decay and increase the likelihood of gum disease.
  • Large gaps between teeth – This can sometimes occur because teeth are missing or because the jaw continues to grow abnormally.
  • Crossbite – This common dental problem occurs when one or multiple upper teeth bite inside the lower teeth. As a consequence, uneven wear can lead to bone erosion and gum disease.
  • Overbite – This problem occurs when the upper teeth project further than, or completely cover, the lower teeth. Eventually, jaw pain and TMJ may occur.
  • Underbite – This is the inverse of the overbite; the lower teeth project further than, or completely cover, the upper teeth. Eventually, jaw pain and TMJ can occur.